Pampa, TX
Snack Paks 4 Kids-Pampa is affiliated with You may read our history here.
The cost of one bag of 13 items is $4.00 (We are no longer allowed to accept food donations)
​At this moment, we are sending home bags with 450 kids per week.
How can you help?
- We need volunteers to help pack bags.
Every other Monday (beginning September 20th) at Pampa ISD central admin building.
Enter the building on the west side behind the dumpster.
We setup at 6:45pm and pack bags at 7pm.
- We need volunteers to help pack bags.
We currently spend over $1,800.00 per week on food. A donation of $160.00 annually or $16.00 per month will feed one child for the school year.
The cost of one bag of 13 items is $4.00. At this moment, we are sending home bags with 450 kids per week.
Pray for each student that receives a bag that God will provide all their needs this school year.
Pray for the salvation of each student that receives a bag.
Pray for the volunteers that they will be blessed for their service.
Pray for provisions that God will provide what we need to fill these bags each week.
How can you give?
Monetary donations can be given to Kayla Parnell or mailed to:
Snack Pak 4 Kids
701 Park Place
Amarillo, TX 79101
(Make sure to write "PAMPA" on the memo line of the check and we will get 100% of the funds)
You may also give online at
(Please specify for your donations to go towards the Pampa community or to a specific school in Pampa)
Please contact Kayla Parnell at 806-662-2461 or for more information.