Christmas Shoeboxes


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Operation Christmas Child is coming up soon! Don't forget to pick up your Christmas shoeboxes and get them filled and returned by November 18-25. Be a blessing to a child this Christmas season and share with them the REAL reason for the season.




How to pack a shoebox.





The Women On Missions group of Central Baptist Church.

About Women on Mission

The Women On Missions group (also known as WMU) of Central Baptist Church meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9:30 a.m. The first Wednesday has an emphasis on missions while the third Wednesday has an emphasis on Bible Study. We always welcome new ladies to participate.

"Missions is a long word. It reaches from creation to eternity. Creation saw its beginning, for the Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world. Missions ends with God forever in the midst of His people, His ultimate purpose realized. Missions is a deep word because it extends to the heart of man. Missions is a wide word. It includes the uttermost parts of the earth; the field is the world."  Ethelene Boone Cox, President, WMU, SBC, 1925-1933.



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